Tuesday 15 January 2013

"Paris is ALWAYS a good idea." Audrey Hepburn

Don't you all hate that feeling when your exhausted and you realise its Tuesday...

It is a nasty feeling. Knowing that there is 4 days left until a good lie-in. 

But there is enough energy left in my fingers for a wee blog post for you lovelies. 

I have been dreaming of travelling and leaving this chilly Island. My thoughts drift to my favourite holiday I have ever taken. 


Everyone loves Paris, the great love stories are written here. The Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera,  Les Misérables. 
We watch these and dream of there lives. Améile is what my life in Paris should be like. 
We dream of going for the Fashion, the Food and the sights. 
We thirst for the Champagne and stores. 

So here is my own personal guide to the best bits about Paris.

Favourite Way to get There: 

So, one day I was flying to Stockholm (one of my first flights) and I realised I HATE flying. 
Which generally is a problem for me because I love to travel. 
Maybe this is why I love Paris so much it is small haven of beauty yet I can get a train there. 

Eurostar is my ultimate fave to get to Paris. With tickets from £59, and some even cheap on of deals you cannot complain! 

To get the best deals sign up to the e-mail alerts to find out when the cheap deals are. 
I got a £40 return last year!

Whats perfect about the Eurostar is it takes you right into the centre  of Paris and right near a good connection line on the Metro. 

If it is that you'd prefer to fly then flights are about £100

Favourite Transport:

There are many ways to get around Paris. Many people do feel the need to get the Metro (the underground) wherever they go. Paris isn't like London, you can walk pretty much anywhere if you have a map it is NOT as big as London. 

Metro tickets. Depending on how long your there for you can buy different tickets depending how long your there for. 
Different tickets prices change all the time but range anything from £9.30-£51.10. 
It is such an easy form of transport and if you get the right ticket then definitely the cheapest (bar walking). 

Cabs. Cabs are difficult. If your with a group of tourists and its after the metro has shut then be careful. Cab driver know that you don't know your way around that well so can take you the long way round and charge you more. 

If you are on your own, order the taxi in French and try not to talk to the cabby then they will think your a local and not take you on a random route - saving you buckets. 

Favourite Eateries: 

Obviously when travelling to Paris one the first things I dream about when sitting on the Eurostar, so here are my top three places to go for food. 

It is so expensive here but it is too gorgeous to not go. Ladurée 75 avenue des Champs-Elysées. You can order anything from Bacon to traditional croissants and pastries. 
Definetly have the Hot Chocolate and scrambled eggs with Bacon. So scrummy. Enjoy walking downstairs and going into the bakery next door to buy the most beautiful Macaroons in history. 

(Image from laduree.fr)

There are some amazing tourist deals around the place and many people would shy away from this because you CAN get ripped off but get it right and you can get it great!

Around Notré Dame there is a small winding road area which hides the cutest of restaurants. My favourite is on the corner called Cafe Panis. With omelettes, salads, and breads yummers. 

Café Oz, 8 Boulevard Montmatre is affordable and has amazing food!
But the best thing for me about this small little village in the city is it is fully of cute cocktail bars - where happy hour is everyday!
Metro Station:  Grand Boulevards.
(If it happens to be that your hotel is round here, there is a gorgeous little bakery which is you go early they will make sandwiches for you for your day of Parisian chic). 

Favourite Sleep'in:

It comes as no shock that there is shortage of cheap hotels in Paris. No Paris hotels are large light and spacious, but it is all about the characteristics and charm of the parisian hotel experience. 

The smell coming out the door of this hotel is incredible. Hotel Costes, rue St-Honoré. Has an amazing pool and beautiful rooms. Reviews will tell you that the staff are rude and they don't like the english. But they are paid to do their job so that can complain all they want. 

(Image from theprodicalguide.com)

For a mid range, try Hotel Bourg Tibourg, 19 rue de Bourg-Tibourg situated perfectly in the centre, this  hotel has the same character as its big sister Hotel Costes, but on a smaller scale. 

Favourite Museums: 

First thing to know about museums in Paris is that they ARE FREE to all tourists, so make sure you take your passports.
By law you have to visit Le Louvré, if for no other reason to see the huge and gorgeous glass pyramids. Once your in do the obligatory Da Vinci code tour of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper paintings, ensuring that you visit the rose line. Side step all the fanatics and visit the Antiques wing, marvel at the beauty and detail of these antiques. 

The underrated museum that you SHOULD visit contain breathtaking art, sculpture and has scenery that is worth seeing without going in. 
Walk there from the city centre enjoy the time you spend walking and enjoy the route you take. 
The Nude was my favourite exhibition. 
(Image from musee-orsay.fr)

Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer (1865-1953) (Above)

Favourite Shopping: 
If you have the pennies then there really is only one place for you. The Harrod's of Paris. Galerie Lafayette 40, Boulevard Haussmann you'll find all the designer brands under one roof (usually there are some really great sale pieces). 
However you maybe looking for particular pieces so here are a few go to places,
For paper and pens, Styl' Honoré - Rue du Marché St Honoré. Real pens with real ink, textured paper with fabulous service from the owners Catherine and Patrick Arabian. 
Underwear. We all need sexy lingerie in Paris no matter who we go with or what our relationship status is. Head to Fifi Chachnil, 26 rue Cambon. For lace, ribbons and a change to release the Joie de Vivre. 
Vintage buys. What better a place to find that vintage piece than Paris. Chez Mami 73 rue Rouchechouart has the most divine things in it. But beware it is vintage with the vintage price tag. 
Deisnger shoes. The secret was revealed to me buy Giséle Scanlon. Moda, 45 rue St Placide, hidden by the blacked out windows and boxes, inside you can find Marc Jacobs, Chanel and Cholë pumps all 50-60% off. Shhhh this is a great fashion secret!

Favourite Destinations: 
You cannot go to Paris for the first time and not see the obvious landmarks. But here are a few tips for avoiding the rush and seeing the beautiful places. 
The Tour-Eiffel probably the most famous of all the landmarks in the world. It does cost though at 14Euros it's pricey but WORTH it. This takes you up in the lift ALL the way to the top. My preference is to go at night, it is a beautiful sight. (I am however slightly bias as I was proposed to at the top! "Awwww" I hear you say.)

Sacre Coeur, an amazing church. Go and look around then eat lunch on the steps outside. 
Beautiful day and night, if you do go in the evening watch out. The men selling "beer" are very dodgy - those beers probably have been messed with. 
(Sacre Coeur at Night)

Another loved and missed place to sight see is "The Love Bridge" this is a gorgeous bridge where people have put locks on the bridge and as a sign of there never ending love thrown the keys into the Seine. If your with your loved on or not attach a plug as a sign of your devotion to each other. 

Favourite Big Money Spender:

The Moulin Rouge - a major destination for many tourist and travellers, but beware it does cost the mega buck to go! Your looking at 150Euros minimum. 

However the shows are amazing and you get a dinner included in the price. 
Book before you leave the UK as there are often days where shows don't run!

Disneyland Paris - If you have children then its fine to pay this much for Disneyland £50 for an adult by themselves is a bit much. But this includes 2 parks and free entry on all rides. 
Having said that. A right of passage of being an adult is losing your Disneyland virginity. 
BOOK with your Eurostar tickets and your likely to get a discounted ticket!

I think it is safe to say that this was the most informative blog I have ever written. 

Please comment and tell me about your experiences of Paris and what you did, what you loved, and maybe advise for my next trip!


Sources used whilst writing this post. Goddess Guide, The Goddess Experience both written and designed by Giséle Scanlon. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes Cat! Made me more determined to go, and I shall be using this as a guide ;) xox
